Category Archives: Short Essays

When I’m bored, I write.

All Of Me.

Recently, the radio keeps on playing this song All Of Me by John Legend. Every station that I tune in, this song will be on air. Yup, I just got drilled… ya alright, Thanks! Nevertheless, the song lyrics are beautiful. Below are some of the beautiful phrases that caught my attention.

  • Your smart mouth and that beautiful mind, drawing me in and kicking me out.
  • This magical mystery ride.
  • My head’s under water but I’m breathing fine. You’re crazy and I’m out of my mind.
  • All of me loves all of you.
  • Your curves and edges and all your perfect imperfections.
  • My only end and my beginning if I’m lose, I’m winning.
  • Even when you’re crying you’re beautiful too
  • Even if the world is beating down on you, I will stick around you through every mood.
  • My downfall, my muse, my worst distraction, my rhythm and blues. You are my everything.
  • Cards on the table, we’re both showing hearts. We risk it all though, it’s hard.


Kasut Saiz Lapan.

The sudden urge to produce a short essay. Sorry it’s in Bahasa Melayu. Definitely need to brush up my BM. It’s been so long since I write.

This pic has got nothing to do with this post. Serious.

This pic has got nothing to do with this post. Serious.

Topik: Kasut Saiz Lapan

“Hidup bagaikan putaran roda. Ada waktu kita di atas dan waktu kita di bawah. Sudah menjadi lumrah kehidupan. Bangun dan jatuh, susah dan senang, semua ini menambahkan lagi pengalaman hidup.
Sekiranya nasib aku bergini sekarang, berada di landasan dengan penuh onak dan duri, haruskah engkau menghakimiku?

Rambut sama hitam, saiz kasut lain-lain. Sekarang, cuba kau pakai kasut saiz lapan aku. Rasakan betapa sendat dan ketatnya kasut aku. Maka itu, berjalanlah dan rasakan kerikil di tapak kakiku. Nikmatilah serpihan kaca yang menjamah kaki aku. Baru kau dapat lihat dunia dari kaca mata aku. Mungkin kau baru tahu, kenapa aku begini. Di saat ini, aku jatuh. Akan aku bangkit dan tegak berdiri seperti dahulu kala.”


Ps: Urgghh! who wouldn’t want their own walking wardrobe?

– Dhannie Armanie


One that has the ability for being intellectual in their conversation. They could just sit and talk about love, life, anything and everything. Yeah.. I have the deepest affection for this type of people.

To speak without regret or fear of consequence. To talk for hours and and about what is really important in life.
